
Agent Registration

The Insurance Act regulates the distribution of insurance. Section 1A of the Act sets out the interpretation of insurance agent.

If you perform any of these activities, you are likely to be considered to be acting as an insurance agent:

        i. receiving proposals for, or issuing, policies in Singapore;
       ii. collecting or receiving premiums on policies in Singapore; or
      iii. arranging contracts of insurance in Singapore; or
      iv. earning a commission or fee that is tied to the value of the premium transacted; or
      v. providing insurance sales or product advice.

Before acting as an insurance agent for distributing general insurance products, the person or company must register with the Agents' Registration Board (ARB) through the principal insurers that they wish to represent.

Prospective applicants should discuss your business plans with the insurers that you wish to work with and form your opinion on whether you are likely to be acting as an insurance agent. You should seek your own legal advice if you are not clear.

Persons who act as unregistered insurance agents will be referred to the Monetary Authority of Singapore for action under the Insurance Act.


Types of Agents

  • Individual Agent – a person
  • Corporate Agent – a business entity i.e. sole proprietorship, partnership or company registered with ACRA, society/cooperative society registered with Registrar of Societies.
  • Trade Specific Agent (TSA) – a business entity that is engaged in a business where insurance is not its core business. It can act for its principal insurers to sell specific insurance products relating to its core business only.
  • Nominee Agents – a person who acts for the above types of agents. Corporate agents and TSAs must have at least 1 nominee agent at all times.


Applicants are advised to read and understand the rules and regulations before registration. Registered agents will have to abide by the rules at all times. Please refer to the relevant information as follows (click on the link):

Applicants or agents who have any questions on the requirements or regulations for agents may discuss with their principal insurers.



Registration Fees

License of the registered agents are valid for the calendar year. All registered agents (except for Trade Specific Agents other than Motor Trades) are to fulfil their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements to be qualified for renewal of their license. Agents may refer to this link on CPD requirements.

Applicants applying to be an agent are subjected to a registration fee per Principal representation. The fee shall be paid to the Principal directly. This will also apply to all additional nominees.

Renewal fee per Principal representation will be imposed on all agents (including nominee agents) who have met the requirements upon renewal of license at the end of the year. You may refer to the fees table at this link:

Registration Fees


Agents Search

The public can check if a general insurance agent is registered with ARB, and the insurers that the agent is authorized to represent, by using the agent search module at this link.

When performing a search for an individual agent or a nominee agent, you must have the NRIC/FIN/Passport number or the GIA nominee number.

When performing a search for a corporate agent or trade specific agent, you must have the GIA number, company name or the business registration number.

Registered agents may also use the above link to display their registration status to customers with their mobile devices.